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DarkVision’s HADES-F® provides a rapid-response answer to what is restricting a well. This diagnostic tool looks both downhole and uphole to directly measure obstructions, fish tops, parted casing, and other restrictions at submillimetric 3D resolution – all through any fluid clarity and without flushing required.
After running HADES-F, the operator diagnosed that the stuck wireline tool had become wedged with a valve component. The operator evaluated these two fishes from all angles in DarkVision’s 3D viewer and measured that the wireline tool had parted 0.43in above the secondary fish. This valuable insight enabled the operator to select the right tools and successfully retrieve both fishes without further delays.
An operator sought to fish out a valve from their well, but the wireline tool sent to retrieve the valve unexpectedly got stuck while running downhole. The tool string was unable to be freed after multiple intervention attempts. Faced with delays and this complication, the operator did not want to risk damaging this high-value well and needed to fully understand the issue before taking further action.
Additional Insights
The operator also inspected the rest of their well for potential issues and verified the integrity of components in the same operation. A detailed ID inspection revealed:
• Surface-Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve (SCSSV) was in good condition and in the correct position
• Gas Lift Mandrels were in the expected condition
• The rest of the well casing was in good condition
DarkVision’s 3D acoustic imaging was instrumental in helping the operator quickly understand the obstructions in their well, and smoothly restore their wells while avoiding failed fishing runs, additional complications, and unnecessary risks and costs in the process
Ready to get results?
Resolve complex obstructions, restrictions, and fishing profiles quickly and reliably with high-resolution acoustic imaging.
Diagnose Obstructions With HADES-F